As mentioned in my last article, the winter sky is a collection of thirteen bright stars seen in one large area. Add to this, an array of visual, binocular and telescopic targets and you have a fulfilling night to look up and enjoy. Continuing our tour we come across...
The question of winter observing always comes up. The fear in people’s eyes when they hear many astronomers including myself, have been out as low as -25 degrees Celsius is priceless. Astronomy is not just a three season hobby! Yes, Canadian winters can be brutal at...
Since the dawn of time, humans have gazed at the stars for entertainment. Over the centuries, novice sky watchers noticed certain bright objects move across the starry back ground over the course of weeks, months and even years. These were the planets of our solar...
The night sky is a wonderful thing to gaze upon any time of year. As we stand under the canopy of stars on a clear moonless night, so many questions come to mind. Questions such as the nature of the stars themselves, or can one see the planets of our solar system? The...