Three Days on The Ride Around Nipissing (RAN) Tour

Three Days on The Ride Around Nipissing (RAN) Tour

Toast popping, cereal crunching, the smell of fresh coffee drifts across the room—this could be just another morning anywhere but it’s far from it. It’s 7 am on a brisk morning (-28°C to be exact) at Moonlight Inn & Suites, just south of Sudbury. Ahead of us is a...
The Best Spots for Kayak Fishing in Northeastern Ontario

The Best Spots for Kayak Fishing in Northeastern Ontario

Kayak fishing is quickly becoming the fastest growing segment of the recreational fishing industry. It’s not hard to understand why—no expensive boats and no gas tank to fill. You can transport a kayak on the top of your car, launch it anywhere, and go where the...
Making Memories : Father/Son Fishing Trip on Lake Nipissing

Making Memories : Father/Son Fishing Trip on Lake Nipissing

I like fishing. I particularly like fishing with my two sons. But if I were to describe my fishing knowledge it would be something like: just scratching the surface. We’ve had some good days but, for the most part, it’s been more about the experience than success. I...