Reports and Resources
Businesses: Get help with COVID-19 costs
Find out if your business is eligible for grants to help with the cost of personal protective equipment (PPE) and your property taxes and energy bills.
According to Premier Doug Ford, the Ontario Small Business Support Grant, which is aimed at helping eligible small businesses with grants of between $10,000 and $20,000, launched on Friday January 15, 2021.
- Ontario’s Main Street Relief Grant: PPE support
- Property tax and energy bill rebates
- Ontario Small Business Support Grant
The government recognizes that small businesses impacted by these necessary public health measures will require additional support. That is why they’re announcing a series of grants.
The new Ontario Small Business Support Grant will provide up to $20,000 to eligible small business owners required to close or significantly restrict services. Businesses will be able to use the support in whatever way makes the most sense for them.
All small businesses that are eligible for the Ontario Small Business Support Grant are also eligible for Property Tax and Energy Bill rebates. This is a grant that will cover the entire length of time that public health restrictions are in place, for municipal and education property taxes and energy costs, including electricity and natural gas (or where natural gas is not available, propane and heating oil).
Also, there is a Main Street Relief Grant: PPE Support. This is a one-time grant of up to $1,000 for eligible businesses with 2 to 9 employees. Sectors include retail, accommodation and food services, repair and maintenance, personal and laundry services, and gyms and yoga studios.
Additional business supports include a $2,500 grant to help businesses go online through the Digital Main Street plan.
Further information for these Grants can be found at These new supports for Ontario’s small businesses are part of the Province’s more than $13.5 billion in support outlined in the 2020 Budget.”
The Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) has been chosen by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) to administer the Safe Travels Stamp in Canada. The Safe Travels Stamp is an international symbol designed to allow travellers to recognize governments and companies around the world, which have adopted health and hygiene, standardized protocols – so consumers can experience ‘Safe Travels’.
The future is unpredictable but as Ontario begins the rollout of vaccinations and the province opens up, we want you to be ready to operate and welcome guests safely. Get certified with the Safe Travels Stamp this year and provide travellers with the confidence that your business has the necessary measures in place for a safe visit.
Northeastern Ontario Tourism encourages its members to strive for traveler confidence; one way to ensure your business is following safety standards and effectively communicating those standards to potential visitors is having a Safe Travel Stamp.
See full list of businesses with the Safe Travel Stamp here.
2020-21 Travel Intentions Surveys Results
Destination Northern Ontario in partnership with key RTOs, DMOs and Destination Ontario engaged Abacus Data to a conduct two-wave market research survey to give us some actionable insights to guide our activities, provide information to stakeholders and assist in counselling tourist operators as we respond and progress through the COVID-19 crisis.
In addition to the main report for each wave, Destination Northern Ontario had Abacus Data develop a report focusing specifically on RTO13. All four reports can be accessed on the DNO website at
To view all four reports » Click here!
Northern Ontario Tourism Trails Strategy
The Northern Ontario Tourism Trails Strategy is a comprehensive plan to guide the development and management of a sustainable trails network within Northern Ontario that will both encourage visitors to stay longer as well as to attract new visitors.
Commissioned by Destination Northern Ontario and completed in March 2020, the goal of the Northern Ontario Tourism Trails Plan is to provide an integrated and strategic approach not only in identifying priority trails and how to further develop them but also how to enhance their communities’ offerings to trails tourists.
Industry Announcements
Ontario State of Emergency
Stay At Home Order
We at Northeastern Ontario Tourism (NeONT) appreciate the difficulties you have experienced and continue to experience due to Covid-19.On Thursday, January 14, 2021, the government issued a stay-at-home order requiring everyone to remain at home with exceptions for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services, for exercise or for essential work. This order and other new and existing public health restrictions are aimed at limiting people’s mobility and reducing the number of daily contacts with those outside an immediate household. In addition to limiting outings to essential trips, all businesses must ensure that any employee who can work from home, does work from home.
There are also changes to short-term rentals. Cottages, cabins and other shared rental accommodation are only to be provided to individuals who are in need of housing. Pre-arranged booking for short-term rentals is prohibited, with exception for housing requirements. Short-term rentals are not to be used for vacation and holidays. Please see the link below, and Slides 15 and 20 further outline the changes made.
In addition, the Ministry of Health has amended the regulations to permit the short-term rental of ice fishing huts for day use only by members of the same household, during the Provincial Lockdown.
These new public health measures will help stop the spread of COVID-19 by reducing concerning levels of mobility as the province continues its vaccine rollout and ramps up to mass vaccination when the federal government is able to provide the necessary supply to do so.
Under the declaration of a provincial emergency, the province will provide authority to all enforcement and provincial offences officers. This will also include the Ontario Provincial Police, local police forces, bylaw officers, and provincial workplace inspectors to issue tickets to individuals who do not comply with the stay-at-home-order, or those not wearing a mask or face covering indoors as well as retail operators and companies who do not enforce. Those who decide not to abide by orders will be subject to set fines and/or prosecution under both the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, (ROA) and EMCPA. In addition, all enforcement personnel will have the authority to temporarily close a premise and disperse individuals who are in contravention of an order and will be able to disperse people who are gathering, regardless whether a premise has been closed or remains open such as a park or house.
For further clarification regarding the Stay at Home order, please refer to the following website:
While we at Northeastern Ontario Tourism will not translate nor provide guidance about how to translate the Ontario Government’s State of Emergency directives, we will continue to do our best to keep you well informed of new information as we receive it. Keep well and stay safe.
The Northeastern Ontario Tourism Team
Along with National Aboriginal Capital Corporation Association (NACCA) and The National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB), Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) is conducting this research to understand current impacts of the pandemic; impact of government supports; as well as crucial needs of Indigenous businesses. Complete the #C19IndigenousBizSurvey and your input could help shape policy decisions that will directly affect your business.
Safe Travels Stamp Webinar: What is it, and Do I Qualify?
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) in conjunction with the industry, including Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO), have created a self-certified Safe Travel Stamp based on worldwide industry protocols the WTTC has put together for every aspect of the hospitality and tourism sector.
The specially designed stamp will allow travelers to recognize governments and companies around the world which have adopted health and hygiene global standardized protocols – so consumers can experience ‘Safe Travels’.
For more information and to register for today’s webinar » Click here!
Join in a free, comprehensive webinar summit focused on helping business owners navigate the landscape of getting ready to sell, and buyers looking to buy.
2020 has presented some challenges for many small business owners, but that doesn’t necessarily mean plans to retire or transition need to change. On the contrary, our data has shown that there are more buyers than ever interested in buying.
Whether you are planning your future succession, or interested in what it takes to buy, this webinar summit will help you gain your bearings and move forward with confidence.
Just fill out this survey (it will take you less than 5 minutes) and you are in!
The Office of the Employer Adviser (OEA) is an independent agency of the Government of Ontario, providing free, confidential and expert worker’s compensation services to Ontario employers.
For more information please visit our website at
The OEA is hosting a series of FREE webinars on various WSIB topics. Join us for these informative sessions by registering below.
OEA Services – WSIB update
Jan 26, 2021 | Time: 2:00 pm ET Click Here To Register
This webinar outlines the OEA services available to Ontario employers dealing with workplace safety insurance issues and when to engage those services. Also covered are the recent changes relating to COVID-19 and the WSIB’s new rate framework.
Introduction to Workplace Safety and Insurance
Jan 28, 2021 | Time: 10:00 am ET Click Here to Register
This webinar provides a basic overview of Workplace Safety and Insurance: who is covered, what are accidents, and reporting and other legal obligations. In addition, employer classification, return to work and appeals are addressed.
Completing The Form 7
Feb 2, 2021 | Time: 10:00 am ET Click Here to Register
This webinar walks you through an employer’s obligation to complete their ‘report of accident’ – the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s (WSIB) Form 7. You will learn what information the WSIB is looking for and best practices for answering the form questions.
Claims Management Tips
Feb 4, 2021 | Time: 2:00 pm ET Click Here to Register
This webinar provides you with helpful practices to better manage your Workplace Safety & Insurance needs – starting from your hiring practices to dealing with an injured worker and their subsequent return to work.
SIEF and Cost Reduction Tools
Feb 9, 2021 | Time: 2:00 pm ET Click Here to Register
This webinar explains the tools available to employers to reduce their accident costs and, in some cases, have them removed entirely.
WSIB Appeals
Feb 11, 2021 | Time: 2:00 pm ET Click Here to Register
This webinar outlines the appeal process, the different levels of appeal, and how to prepare for either your own, or your worker’s appeal.
Section 50 Unlawful Reprisals
Feb 17, 2021 | Time: 10:00 am ET Click Here to Register
This webinar explains the process and timelines for responding to a Section 50 unlawful reprisal allegation, and the OEA services available to help employers facing such an allegation.
COVID-19 Update
Feb 18, 2021 | Time: 10:00 am ET Click Here to Register
This webinar provides updates on WSIB matters stemming from the COVID-19 situation and how they may impact employers.
Rate Framework
Feb 23, 2021 | Time: 2:00 pm ET Click Here to Register
This webinar outlines the new ‘Rate Framework’ and how your company will be assessed going forward. Learn how these changes will affect your company. This webinar is a general level presentation intended for all employers who have some experience dealing with the WSIB from a premium/assessment perspective.
Mental Stress
Feb 26, 2021 | Time: 10:00 am ET Click Here to Register
This webinar outlines the legislative modifications that have changed the handling of mental stress claims, and how mental stress entitlement, both traumatic and chronic, is determined by the WSIB.
A Practical Guide to Return to Work for Employers (Non-Construction)
Mar 2, 2021 | Time: 2:00 pm ET Click Here to Register
This webinar explains the benefits of having a return to work program, your legal obligations under the WSIA, key steps for implementing a return to work program and plan, as well as resolution strategies for disputes in return to work.
A Practical Guide to Return to Work for Employers (Construction)
Mar 4, 2021 | Time: 10:00 am ET Click Here to Register
This webinar explains the benefits of having a return to work program, your legal obligations under the WSIA, key steps for implementing a return to work program and plan, as well as resolution strategies for disputes in return to work.
We look forward to you joining us. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Attention tourism operators and small businesses located in Sudbury!
Register now for your upcoming Elevating Canadian Experiences workshops. Taking place on February 2 & 3, 2021, these free and interactive workshops will assist small and medium tourism operators and other tourism organizations in developing strategies to maintain their businesses, and develop winter and shoulder season and culinary experiences to attract visitors back once Canada is ready to welcome them again.
The culinary workshop has been tailored specifically to your region and will explore elevating visitor experiences through meaningful and memorable interactions with food & drink. This workshop provides an overview of a process for creating experiences that align with culinary tourism readiness standards and best practices.
The Winter and Shoulder Season Tourism workshop is designed to help expand the opportunity for tourism operators in rural communities and those operating in the winter and shoulder seasons to attract new visitors and grow their businesses.
Future-proof your career with Ontario Tourism Education Corporation’s (OTEC’s) new resiliency training series. This series was developed to address worker skills gaps and build a more resilient workforce. The series includes 4 workshops and 2 courses each 2-3 hours long. The workshops aim to support worker retention and improve employee satisfaction. Upon completion of the workshops, participants will receive a certificate.
This training is FREE for qualifying participants. More information here.

Nominations Now Open for 2021 Indigenous Women in Leadership Award
Proudly presented by Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) and LNG Canada, the Indigenous Women in Leadership (IWIL) award recognizes successful and accomplished Indigenous women leaders – role models that empower and inspire others. The annual IWIL award is nationally recognized and serves as a platform to the future.
CCAB encourages nominations from all First Nations (Status and Non-Status), Inuit and Métis business, political and nationally engaged women whose work has changed the lives of people in their communities and nationally. Nominations are open until January 31st, 2021. Nominate now.
Every week during the month of February, Festivals & Events Ontario (FEO) will be offering virtual sessions to help event organizers and suppliers adapt, pivot, and evolve. FEO is dedicating the month to education, preparation, and imagination as we look ahead to what 2021 might hold. Weekly programming will include a revised awards program, Tuesday talks sessions, Wednesday networking roundtable, and Thursday keynote panels discussing topics like:
- COVID-19 Recovery
- Risk Management
- Sponsorship during COVID-19
- Digital & Virtual Events
For more information contact: Debbie Mann at