News Release
Ontario Enacts Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order
April 7, 2021
TORONTO — The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, is immediately declaring a third provincial emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA). These measures are being taken in response to the rapid increase in COVID-19 transmission, the threat on the province’s hospital system capacity, and the increasing risks posed to the public by COVID-19 variants.
Effective Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the government is issuing a province-wide Stay-at-Home order requiring everyone to remain at home except for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (including getting vaccinated), for outdoor exercise , or for work that cannot be done remotely. As Ontario’s health care capacity is threatened, the Stay-at-Home order, and other new and existing public health and workplace safety measures will work to preserve public health system capacity, safeguard vulnerable populations, allow for progress to be made with vaccinations and save lives.
The 2021 Ontario Budget 
Ontario recently announced a wide range of initiatives to help the tourism, hospitality and culture sectors survive the COVID‑19 pandemic and thrive in the future. In the 2021 Budget, Ontario is investing more than $400 million over the next three years in new initiatives to support these sectors. This builds on investments of $225 million announced earlier, bringing the total to more than $625 million since the pandemic began.
Join the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) and Destination Canada (DC) on Friday, April 9th from 11 to 12 pm EDT for an update on industry support efforts and marketing plans. Space is available on a first-come-first-serve basis and is limited to 3,000 participants.
Beth Potter, TIAC President and CEO will provide an overview of advocacy efforts aimed at the survival and recovery of the Tourism Industry and a snapshot of the road ahead.
Marsha Walden, DC President and CEO will share a strategy update and next steps from Destination Canada.
The webinar will end with a question and answer period.
Free Webinar: Welcoming Cyclists in Northern Ontario
The Ontario By Bike Network certifies tourism businesses and locations as bicycle friendly, helping businesses reach the growing number of cycle tourists in Ontario, promoting and further developing cycle tourism in destinations across Ontario.
Why Participate in this Webinar?
- Now more than ever, cycling and cycle tourism is increasingly popular
- Become more familiar with cycle tourism market and find out how welcoming cyclists can be good for business
- Hear about updates to local, regional and provincial promotions and projects supporting cycling and cycle tourism and more!
Date And Time
Fri, April 16, 2021
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
Experiential Travel Training Workshop for Tourism Operators
What is this training workshop? An interactive half-day online workshop for 12 Francophone, Francophile and bilingual tourism business operators in Northern Ontario that will provide tools and insights on how to market products to French speaking tourists and how to develop francophone culture-based products for culture seeking visitors.
Why should you attend? Reaching Francophone and culture seeking markets can net you more visitors and increase your bottom line.
Who should attend? Any private sector tourism businesses, not-for-profit operations, public sector organizations interested in and ready to invest in the design and delivery of francophone cultural tourism offers.
What will I learn?
- How to implement the ‘French It Up!’ training solution into your tourism operation and experiences
- How to brand the level of Francophone/Francophile services available in your tourism operation
- Experiential Travel 101 and the value experiential travel can add to your operation
- The difference between a tourism product and an experience
- How to develop new and enhance existing Francophone and bilingual tourism experiences
- How to get started on an experience for your operation, with the intent of enhancing existing product to better meet the needs of visitors and generate higher profits
- How other businesses have embraced and benefitted from developing bilingual tourism itineraries
You will also have the opportunity to connect with a community of ‘like-minded’ operators who you can continue to network and share ideas with post workshop!
Where is it?
- This course is being offered as an online course, with a mix of ‘online’ and ‘offline’ work. The ‘online’ portion will be delivered by group webinar from 9 am to 1pm. The ‘offline’ portion is to be completed both prior to and post the ‘face-to-face’ webinar portion.
What will you need?
- An internet connection, speaker/mic (can be built-in computer mic) and a device (e.g. computer, tablet, etc.)
When is it? Monday, April 19th (9am – 1pm)
Money Matters: The course, including all training materials and programming, is at the low cost of $100.
Application Deadline: April 14th, 2021 Space is limited, so apply early.
Payment is due upon application.
What to expect from the Northern Ontario Tourism Spring Training Week:
- Practical & interactive online training sessions
- Latest marketing and branding trends
- Virtual product development training
- Virtual Networking opportunities
- Northern Ontario SPARK Program Winner Announcements
- Connect with operators, industry professionals, and business owners.
- Access exclusive training opportunities tailored for tourism stakeholders in the North.
- Online training workshops and information sessions
Improve Your Online Marketing – Digital Success for Tourism Businesses and Organizations
Date: Tuesday, April 20th 2021
Time: 1:00 p.m.
This session will review the most effective tactics for getting your business or organization seen by the digital world; websites, social media and third party services.
Presented by: Mike Jacobs, CEO, The New Business
Beyond the Backyard – Enticing the Ontario Drive Market
Date: Wednesday, April 21st 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Optimism is high though uncertainty still looms. After a year of sticking close to home many Ontarians are ready to venture out and explore undiscovered places in their own province. The focus will be on connecting to the people and the land in a safe, yet open way. The session will help participants quickly build rich, local experiences to entice the drive market from Ontario and neighboring provinces for this summer.
Presented by: Eva Gutsche, Managing Director, STEM Consulting
Successful Ingredients of a Touring Route
Date: Thursday, April 22nd 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m.
The road trip is back! The one thing to come out of the global pandemic is people’s appreciation for hitting the open road, on their terms. Venturing far from urban centres, road trippers are lured by the journey, quirky stops and accommodations that provide ample space to stretch out, literally. Join Chris as he (walks/drives/rides) you through what makes a successful touring route and why rural and remote areas have the most to gain.
Presented by: Chris Hughes, BC Hughes Tourism Development
Northeastern Ontario Tourism (NeONT) is a not-for-profit destination marketing organization dedicated to promoting the Northeastern Ontario region. We provide resources for consumers, groups and organizations on travelling to our region for outdoor activities, touring, events and attractions, arts and culture, and fishing.
We work closely with Destination Northern Ontario and Destination Ontario to ensure Northeastern Ontario is represented in pan-Northern and pan-Ontario marketing efforts.
Our partners span every sector of the industry, from our largest municipalities, to the smallest mom and pop motel owners. If you haven’t renewed your partnership yet, please visit our website.